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- Burnout
Life Tip Tuesday

Hello, and welcome to Life Tip Tuesdays!

When I took over my parents’ business, it was just me for about a month. That month almost killed me. It was the busiest time of the year, made extra busy by the fact that it was 2020. We sold vitamin C, which most other businesses had already sold out of as everyone started panic-buying.
I was working 12+ hour days during the week, struggling to get all the orders shipped out and keeping up with all the administrative work. Even during the weekend, I worked for at least a few hours. I kept going, however, because I knew no one else would do it. When you own a business, it makes it that much harder to set boundaries. Even after hiring help, I struggled to keep up enough so that I could take one day off a week.
The constant go-go-go, eventually got to me, culminating in a full-blown panic attack, the one that prompted me to go to therapy. After that, it was hard for me to stay motivated beyond doing what was strictly necessary for the business. I just wanted to rest.
Years later, I no longer feel burnt out, but even though I enjoy working my day job and writing this newsletter, I still lack motivation when it comes to the business. I think that’s part of what burnout can do if you let it get to the point I did. You lose the appreciation you once had for something.
Looking back, I think I could have avoided burnout if I had done things differently. If I had prioritized myself and my health more, I would have been much more resilient against it. I felt so much pressure to get all the orders out the day after they were placed by customers, I put that over everything. Work became my life.
If I had blocked off some time each day to exercise (taking a walk), hang out with friends or do something else relaxing and fun, I think I might have avoided burnout. Work or your side hustle is not more important than your life. It’s important to realize our limits because we do have them. Starting to dread a task or view something you once enjoyed as a chore is a sign to step back. It’s a sign that something isn’t right, and maybe that thing is taking up more of your time and energy than it should.

Takeaways for Today:
Burnout is real and can happen to anyone
Burnout can be avoided by enforcing appropriate boundaries
A career or side hustle should never keep you from taking care of yourself or your family
If you do burn out, it’s important to take a break to rest and maybe even do something else for work for a while if the burnout is particularly severe

“Burnout occurs when your body and mind can no longer keep up with the tasks you demand of them. Don’t try to force yourself to do the impossible.”

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