Homesteading and Community

Story Time Thursday

Youthful Homesteader

Hello, and welcome to Story Time Thursdays!

Although some communities can be very hesitant to accept outsiders, you might be surprised at how many are friendly and eager to work together. When first starting homesteading, it is recommended to have a community of some kind to rely on.

For us, we are planning to homestead with family, so we will have each other to rely on and help. A community homestead or something similar allows people to have their own space while sharing the work and reward of homesteading.

However, that is only one part of forming a strong community. Joining a local group or even just getting to know your neighbors who homestead can be very helpful. These kinds of relationships offer a kind of mentorship. Some who are like-minded enjoy sharing their knowledge with newbies.

Good Mythical Morning Friends GIF by Rhett and Link

Gif by rhettandlink on Giphy

One good way to meet others who homestead or farm is to go to local farmer’s markets. They might be able to give tips about the area (if you recently moved) and tips on growing their particular specialty. You might also get an idea of what you might want to sell (perhaps no one sells organic lettuce at that particular market) if you produce more than you and your family will eat.

Even though it takes a bit more effort than in the city or suburbs, it’s still important to get involved in the community. Besides for sharing knowledge or the comfort of knowing who your neighbors are, it’s important not to become isolated. Regardless of situation, humans are made to live together.

Places to Find Your Homesteading Community

  • Neighbors

  • Local community groups

  • Local farmer’s market

  • Family

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Barlow Roots Homestead