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- Relationships: How Do You Know They're "the One"?
Relationships: How Do You Know They're "the One"?
Life Tip Tuesday

Hello, and welcome to Life Tip Tuesdays!

For me, there wasn’t one single moment I can point to where I had the sudden revelation that my husband was “the one”. It was a gradual thing. When we first started dating, I knew I was in love with him. I also dearly hoped he would be the right man for me, and I, the right woman for him.
The more we shared together and the more time we spent together, the surer I became that we would be a forever couple. A few months into our dating relationship, and we were both sure and planned on getting married.
I could point out all the good characteristics my husband demonstrated as reasons how I knew, but that wouldn’t really be accurate. They were green flags showing that he was a good Christian guy and that we were compatible, but I think only acknowledging those features would be a shallow view
I was sure our relationship would last because he felt like home to me. Unfortunately, I had only felt at home a handful of times in my life before (and not with my birth family). The fact that I felt safe and comfortable around him, was huge to me. I loved him fully and I knew he loved me fully. Each of us would take a bullet for the other.
Another big thing is that I liked who I was around him. I think that should be considered more in every relationship. Who do you become, how do you act, when you are around that person? Do you like who you are then? No one can “make” you act a particular way, but they almost always influence us, consciously or not. My husband helped me grow in so many ways, even in the first year we were together. He helped me let go of toxic habits and really discover things I never knew about myself.

Takeaways for Today:
Love is a choice to put other’s needs first (not out of obligation, but out of care for that person)
Although love is a choice, I believe it also includes a feeling. When someone truly cares about you, it is felt and known
When choosing your future spouse, noting how they influence you is important; you become like who you spend the most time with

“I'm much more me when I'm with you.”
