A Season of Waiting

Story Time Thursday

Youthful Homesteader

Hello, and welcome to Story Time Thursdays!

While we want to move to a better place for homesteading, there are some things that just aren’t in place yet. We still have things we need to do and things the rest of our family moving with us needs to do before we can actually buy some property and move. So until then, we have to wait.

One thing I’ve learned is that God’s timing is best. Sometimes it’s before you feel ready. Other times, it takes way longer than you’d like. The most obvious time I’ve been thankful for His timing (rather than mine) was in dating. I wanted to start dating in my later teen years and find a partner, but looking back, I know that would have ended in disaster.

If I had found someone to date back then, I’m sure it would have been the wrong type of guy. If that wasn’t the case, I think I would have unknowingly brought some very toxic behaviors into the relationship myself; patterns learned in my blood family. In either situation, I don’t think it would have turned out well for anyone involved.

Pittsburgh Pa Close One GIF by Mike Hitt

Gif by metahitt on Giphy

By the time I did start dating my husband, I had been going to therapy for over 6 months and made a lot of progress. Although I still had more healing and growth needed, I was self-aware enough by that point to realize some of the unhealthy tendencies I had, and I strived to do better.

Now, in another season of waiting, I think there must be a good reason for it. Perhaps there is something we need to learn before we move so we are properly prepared. Perhaps there is some disaster or danger that we’re avoiding. Even if neither of those is the case, maybe this just provides a chance for us to stop and catch our breath. Life can get crazy busy before you realize it, and I think the beauty in periods of waiting is that it offers the chance to slow down and appreciate life again.

Tips if you’re in a season of waiting:

  • Pray; use this time to nurture your faith

  • Don’t just sit around: learn a new skill, go do fun things

  • Waiting can be frustrating, but take advantage of the benefits while you can

“Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for Him; do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way, by the man who carries out evil plans.“

Psalms 37:7
Barlow Roots Homestead